FecoM::IT Experts::Licence and Copyright

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All contents of these web pages is protected by:
- Copyright Act 1)
- Trade Mark Act 2)
- And the relevant provisions of the Commercial Code on unfair competition 3)

Source code, photo, graphics and other works on this site are protected by each
separately and in full, including their organization.

Without a consent of a copyright owner - Corporate IT FECOM Ltd. is expressly prohibited to copy and further dissemination in any manner.

Some components may contain hidden security features that will be used in civil and criminal legal action against unauthorized persons.

1) Act č.618/2003 Z.z. as No. 84/2007 Z.z., 220/2007 Z.z.
2) Act č.55/1997 Z.z. as No. 577/2001 Z.z., 14/2004 Z.z., 344/2004 Z.z.
3) Act č.513/1991 Z.z. as subsequent amendments and regulations

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